There are no refunds available after you have made a paid reservation. All classes require advance payment to secure your time slot, and once a time is booked, it is not transferable to anyone else. Purchasing a spot in a group class means you occupy a position that cannot be resold once the class starts. Similarly, a makeup lesson also constitutes a reserved time, and no other participants can be scheduled for that slot once it has been booked for you. Please note that cancellations of makeup lessons are also non-refundable.


Makeup lessons are available for thirty-five dollars each and need to be scheduled in advance. Please note that we are unable to accept notifications made only five minutes before the class begins. Additionally, you may only book one makeup lesson per module.


Your dog needs to have two vaccines to participate in class: 1) a Distemper/Parvo combination and 2) a Rabies vaccine. These vaccines must be current and verified through a vet receipt. For puppies who have not completed their Distemper/Parvo series, three legitimate DAPP shots are required to access the training area.

Legitimate documentation may come from a vet receipt or properly recorded by a breeder. Please note that breeder cards lacking vaccine vial labels will not be accepted and any incomplete vaccinations must be re-administered by a vet.

In the How to Speak Dog module, dogs are introduced in the fifth week of class when they must have their vaccinations. If a puppy owner begins the class and their puppy will not be fully vaccinated by the final week, the owner may conduct training with Lisa’s dog or a friendly class dog. It is essential to start the How to Speak Dog class as early as possible for the puppy to begin training as soon as they finish their vaccinations. Puppies lacking appropriate vaccination documentation will not be permitted to start a training module and will not receive a refund.


To reserve a module, you have three payment options. You can use Zelle or Venmo under the name Lisa Marsnik and the phone number 412-735-5594 for friend-to-friend payments, or you can choose to pay by credit card. Please be aware that processing fees for credit card transactions will be added to your module fee, and you can find the precise amounts in the payment link.

It’s advisable to inform Lisa via text about your payment method, the type of payment, and the class you are reserving. Payments serve as confirmations for class enrollment, which is limited to four dogs per session. Once four reservations are confirmed, the class will be closed to additional participants, so please make your payment promptly to secure your spot.


We conduct our training sessions in the parking lot of Parkway Community Church in Fairfield (94533), which has its own unique microclimate. The wind often brings a drop in temperature, making it cooler than other areas in Fairfield. Even during summer evening classes, it’s a good idea to have a jacket handy, and in winter, wearing layers, a hat, and a very warm coat is essential. Our furry friends will also need sweaters or jackets, as they enjoy the chill and perform well in colder weather.

Classes are scheduled for the evenings to accommodate those coming from work, and our parking lot is well illuminated and safely distanced from the street. In the event of inclement weather, such as extreme heat, cold, or rain, we will cancel the class and reschedule it for the following week. Rest assured, no classes will be missed, but the overall timeline will be adjusted by a week, so please keep this in mind when planning your calendar.


At Lisa’s Nosy Puppers Dog Training, there are three primary methods for dog training. The board and train option involves leaving your dog with a trainer for a predetermined period, during which the trainer will work with your dog and provide you with the knowledge to continue the training afterward. This service can be quite expensive and is not available at our facility.

Private lessons represent the next tier. They offer you more individual attention with your trainer compared to group sessions but at a lower cost than board and train. During these one-hour sessions, the trainer can focus on your dog’s specific needs and progress at your preferred pace. Private lessons also provide flexible scheduling that allows you to resume right where you left off without the need for make-up classes.

Our group classes consist of four dogs and their owners, making them a budget-friendly option; these short four-week modules include one-hour lessons where your dog can learn amidst the distractions of others, although keep in mind that Lisa’s attention is shared among the dogs, allowing each team about 15 minutes of direct guidance, with the remaining time spent observing and learning from fellow participants, which can foster a supportive environment based on your class mindset.

Lisa’s Nosy Puppers provides both group classes and private lessons, each with unique advantages and disadvantages, so determining which option aligns best with your goals is essential for maximizing your training experience.